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Liste in alphabethischer Reihenfolge - C

Dateiendungen die mit dem Zeichen C anfangen

C C/C++main Source Code File Format
C# Microsoft Visual C#
C++ C++ Source Code
C-- Sphinx C-- Language Source Code
C-MAP C-map
C00 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C01 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C02 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C03 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C04 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C05 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C06 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C07 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C08 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C09 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C1 Pov-Ray For Windows 3.x Scenes Advanced Newltpot
C10 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C11 CARE-S InfoWorks User Defined Pollutant Detail
C16 C16 Creatures 3/Docking Station Image
C18 Dassault Systemes Catia V4 Sequential
C1S Photo Cache
C2 Pov-Ray For Windows 3.x Scenes Advanced Newltpot
C21 CARE-S InfoWorks Defined Pollutant Detail
C24 Drive Image Ace
C2C CopyToDVD Project
C2D WinOnCD Image Format
C2E Chinese Dictionary Index
C2K Microsoft Project Holidays
C2R Microsoft Windows Media Center Click-to-record Format
C2U Texas Instruments CBL 2 Format
C2V WellSight Systems License Information
C2W WaterCAD
C3 Pov-Ray For Windows 3.1 Scenes Advanced Newltpot
C32 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C39 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C3D Coordinate 3D Format
C3D1 Chem3D Cartesian 1 Chemical Modeller
C3D2 Chem3D Cartesian 2 Chemical Modeller
C3E CYPE Related
C3T Chemical Template
C3XML Chem3D XML Format
C3Z OpenQwaq 3D Model Format
C4 JEDMICS Bitmap Image Format
C40 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C41 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C42 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C43 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C44 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C45 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C46 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C47 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C48 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C49 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C4D CINEMA 4D File Format
C4DUPDATE Cinema 4D Update
C4F Clonk Game Round
C4G Clonk Game System
C4K Clonk Key Format
C4P CrossOver Software Installer Format
C4S Clonk Game Scenario
C4U OpenClonk Update System
C4V Clonk Game Video
C50 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C51 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C52 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C53 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C54 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C55 Split Multi-volume ACE Compressed File Archive
C6 Organic 2D/3D Drafting & 3D Modelling
C64 Commodore 64 ROM Image
C85 RISC OS JPEG Bitmap Image
CA Telnet Server Initial Cache Data Format
CA1 Delphi Install Disk
CA2 Delphi Install Disk12
CA4 Delphi Installation
CA5 Delphi Installation
CAA CleanApp Archive Format
CAB Windows Cabinet Compressed Archive
CABAL Haskell Cabal
CAC DBASE IV Executable
CACHE Generally Cache Format
CACHE-2 VLC Media Player Font Cache
CACHE-3 VLC Media Player Font Cache
CACTION Apple Mac OS X Automator Conversion Action Format
CAD CAD Drawing Format
CADC Corpatla Baudadministration Data Format
CADRG Compressed ARC Raster Graphic
CAE Abaqus CAE Model
CAF Apple Core Audio Format
CAFF Apple Core Audio Format
CAG Microsoft Clip Gallery Catalog Format
CAH Ulead Photo Explorer Thumbnail Cache
CAI SeeYou Flight Data
CAJ China Academic Journals Full-text Database
CAL CALS Raster Image Format
CALB Coolect Album Format
CALIBRE Calibre Device Data Format
CALIBZ Chief Architect Symbol
CALS CALS Raster Group 1 Image Format
CALX Calendar Printing Assistant Template
CAM Casio QV Digital CAMera Image Format
CAMM Espresso Mind Map Mind Map Format
CAMPROJ Camtasia Studio Project Format
CAMREC Camtasia Studio Recorder Format
CAMTHTR Camtasia Studio Theater
CAMV Camtasia Screencast Video Format
CAN Canon Navigator Fax Format
CANF CanOpener
CANIM Shank Game
CANNEDSEARCH Apple Mac OS X Finder Predefined Search
CAOS CanOpener Preference
CAP PacketView Pro Packet Trace Data Format
CAPFILE Ruby Capistrano Instruction
CAPROJ Construct Game Project Format
CAPS CaptureSaver
CAPX Construct Game Project Archive Format
CAR Biosym Chemical Modeller Input Format
CARB Apple Mac OS X Carbon Package
CARC Nintendo DS Compressed Archive Format
CARD Funkiball Adventure
CARO Adobe Acrobat Creatorcode
CAS Autodesk AutoCAD License Format
CASE SlipCover For Mac Template Format
CAT Microsoft Security Catalog Format
CAT4D Cinema 4D Catalog
CATOM Chief Architect Catalogue
CATSYSTEM CATIA Functional Systems
CAV Comodo Virus Definitions Format
CAWR Espresso Workreport Format
CAX VCollab 3D Model
CB Microsoft Clean Boot
CB1 CARE-S InfoWorks Biochemical Oxygen Detail
CB4 Actuate Analytics
CB7 CDisplay 7-Zip Comic Book Format
CBA CDisplay ACE Comic Book Format
CBB ChessBase Search Booster
CBC Comic Book Collection
CBCP CodeBaby Production Studio Character Package
CBD Corel WordPerfect Dictionary
CBDS Comic Book DS Format
CBF ChessBase Game Information Format
CBG CyberGauge Data Format
CBH ChessBase Chess Database Format
CBK Backup Configuration Format
CBL Cobol Language Source Code Format
CBM Bitmap Image Format
CBMV Comic Book Millennium Collection
CBN PaperMaster Cabinet
CBO Microsoft Interactive Training
CBP Code::Blocks Project Format
CBPLUGIN Code::Blocks Plugin
CBPROJ C++ Builder Project
CBQ StarOS Script
CBR Comic Book Archive Format Or ComicBook Reader Format
CBS Comodo Backup Script Format
CBT CDisplay TAR Comic Book Format
CBU Comodo Backup Backup Format
CBV ChessBase Archive Format
CBW ComicRack Webcomics
CBX Rational XDE
CBXML CodeBox XML Library
CBZ Comic Book Archive Format Or ComicBook Reader Format
CC C++ Language Source Code Format
CC1 Briggs Softworks Calendar Commander
CCA CC: MAil Data Format
CCB Visual Basic Animated Button Configuration
CCBJS CopperCube JavaScript Scene
CCC Microsoft Internet Chat Conversation Log
CCD CloneCD Track Description Format
CCE Calendar Creator 2 Event
CCF CryptLoad Container Format
CCGAME Microsoft XNA Game Studio Game Package Format
CCH Photomodeler Photochip Thumbnail Format
CCIP Curse Client 4 Addon Download Protocol Format
CCJ Crossword Compiler Compiled Crossword Applet
CCK Corel Clipart
CCL CCTools Levelset
CCM Multimedia Fusion Custom Menu
CCN Multimedia Fusion Development Format
CCO Apple Cocoa
CCP CloneCD Profiles Format
CCR HealthFrame ASTM Continuity Of Care Record Format
CCRF Calcomp Raster Bitmap Image
CCS TrialDirector Clip Script Format
CCSCC ClearCase Source Control Info Format
CCT Macromedia (Adobe) Director Shockwave Cast Format
CCW Crossword Compiler Saved Puzzle
CCWSLN Connected Components Workbench
CCX Click & Create Extension
CCXML Call Control EXtensible Markup Language
CD ClassDiagram Format
CD2 DATAIR Cafeteria Document System Custom Text
CD5 Chasys Draw Image
CDA CD Audio Track
CDATA Command & Conquer 3 Audio
CDB Windows Mobile Pocket Access Database Format
CDC Autodesk AutoCAD DesignCenter Preview Cache Format
CDD ConceptDraw Drawing Diagram Format
CDDA Apple ITunes AIFF Audio Format
CDDX Circuit Diagram Diagram Format
CDE CADKEY Dynamic Extension
CDEM CompeGPS Land Landscape
CDF Cyberspace Description Format
CDF-MS ClickOnce Deployment Binary Manifest Format
CDFX Cindex
CDG DART Karaoke Studio Lyrics Format
CDI DiscJuggler Image Format
CDJ DiscJuggler CD-ROM Data
CDK Calamus SL Document
CDL CADKey CAD Language Format
CDLX Adobe Audition Audio CD Project Format
CDM NTI CD&DVD-Maker Image Format
CDMEDIA Boxer For Mac Cd-rom
CDMM ConceptDraw MINDMAP Document
CDMT ConceptDraw MINDMAP Template
CDMTZ Compressed ConceptDraw MINDMAP Template
CDMZ ConceptDraw MINDMAP Compressed Document Format
CDO Crescendo Music Score Format
CDOC DigiDoc Client Container
CDP Trainz Simulator Content Dispatcher Pack Format
CDP2 Trainz Classics Content Dispatcher Pack 2 Format
CDPX ConceptDraw PROJECT XML Format
CDPZ ConceptDraw PROJECT Document
CDR CorelDRAW Vector Or Bitmap Format
CDR3 CorelDRAW 3 For Mac Vector Or Bitmap Image
CDR4 CorelDRAW 4 For Mac Vector Or Bitmap Image
CDR5 CorelDRAW 5 For Mac Vector Or Bitmap Image
CDR6 CorelDRAW 6 For Mac Vector Or Bitmap Image
CDRW CorelDRAW For Mac
CDRX Bosch Crash Data Retrieval Data Format
CDRZIP DICOM Compressed Image
CDS ChemDraw Stationery Document
CDSG DrawMusic Chord Song
CDT CorelDRAW Template Format
CDT6 CorelDRAW 6 For Mac Template
CDT_ CorelDRAW For Mac Template
CDU CDU Paint Image Format
CDV CatDV Catalog
CDW KOMPAS CAD Drawing Format
CDX CorelDRAW Compressed Drawing Format
CDXML ChemDraw XML Format
CDZ ROM With A View Project Format
CE Digital Vision ComputerEyes IFF Bitmap Format
CE0 Winewar Worm
CE1 Computer Eyes Raw Image Format
CE2 Computer Eyes Raw Image Format
CEA DAZ 3D Carrara Pro Export
CEB Apabi EBook Format
CED JVC Corrupted Video Format
CEDATA Pogoplug
CEDPRJ Ashampoo CoverEditor Cover Project Format
CEF CenturionMail Format
CEI CRiSP Harvest
CEIMG CeRegEditor Registry Image
CEL Lumena CEL Bitmap Image Format
CELL CASTEP Supercell Material Data
CELTX Celtx Project Format
CELX Celestia Script
CEM Empire Earth Game Format
CEO Winewar Worm
CER Internet Security Certificate
CERT Netscape Certificate Index
CERTAUTHORITYCONFIG Apple Mac OS X Certificate Assistant Configuration
CERTSIGNINGREQUEST Apple Mac OS X Certificate Assistant
CET Hitachi Cobol
CEX SolidWorks Enterprise PDM Vault Export Format
CF Sendmail Configuration Format
CF2 Common File Format 2
CF5 DocuWare
CF7 Toshiba ConfigFree Profile Handling Module
CFA Adobe Premiere Pro Audio Format
CFB Disk Drill Recovered
CFC Adobe ColdFusion Component Format
CFD CryptoForge Document
CFDI Comprobante Fiscal Digital Por Internet
CFE CryptoForge Encrypted
CFF ColorImpact Color Formula Format
CFF2 Kodak Pandora Exported
CFG Configuration Files
CFGE Jewel Quest Configuration Format
CFI CleverForm Script
CFK Microsoft Developer Studio Diagram
CFL IMVU Product Format
CFM Adobe ColdFusion Template Format
CFML Adobe ColdFusion Markup Language Format
CFN Calamus Font Data
CFO Turbo C Utilities C Form Object
CFP Bitmap Native Format For CoverFactory
CFPRESET SA Color Finesse Plugin For Adobe After Effects
CFR Cross Fire Replay Format
CFREPLAY Crossfire Europe Replay
CFS INMOS Configuration Format
CFT CFast Graphics
CFW ChemFinder Form
CFX Magix Movie Edit Pro
CFXR Cocoa Sfxr Format
CFXXE Possibly Malware
CFZ Compressed Archive
CG NVidia CgFX Format
CG3 Cabri 3D Document
CG4 CALS Group IV Bitmap Graphics
CGA Ventura Publisher CGA Display Font
CGD CricketGraph Data
CGDB Microsoft Clip Art Package
CGF Asm Objasm Format
CGFX CgFX Shader Format
CGI Common Gateway Interface Script Format
CGINC Unity Custom Shader Include
CGK BlueSoleil
CGM Computer Graphics Metafile
CGMAP CityGuide Region Map
CGO Railroad Tycoon 3 Car Properties
CGP PixelCryptor Encrypted Format
CGR CATIA MultiCAx Plug-in Conversion Format
CGRP Pro Tools Clip Group Format
CGT Gold Parsing System Compiled Grammar Table
CGVP NVidia Cg Programming Language XML
CGX ARM RL-TCPnet HTTP Web Server XML Web Page Update Script
CGZ AssaultCube Map Format
CH OS/2 Configuration
CH1 IBM Freelance Graphics Chart
CH10 Irig 106 Original Recording
CH3 Harvard Graphics V3.0 Chart/image Format
CH5 VisIt
CHA Online Chat Configuration Format
CHAM Compiled HAM Format
CHAP MP4 Movie Chapter
CHARMM CHARMm Chemical Modeller Input
CHARSET Character Set Format
CHART Feedback Chart Format
CHAT Online Chat Configuration Format
CHATLOG Adium Chat Log
CHC HCFR Colorimeter Data Format
CHD MAME Compressed Hard Disk Format
CHE CHwinEHE Project
CHEF Chef Source Code Format
CHESSTITANSSAVE-MS Chess Titans Save Game Format
CHF PcAnywhere Remote Control
CHG Quicken Online Data Format
CHH C++ Header
CHI Microsoft Help Index
CHJ IBM SPSS Interview Cache
CHK ScanDisk File Fragment
CHKN IMVU Create Mode Temporary
CHKSPLIT Incredible Bee Archiver Checksum
CHL Microsoft Internet Explorer Channel Information Format
CHM Microsoft Compiled HTML Help Format
CHML Chameleon Encrypted Format
CHN Ethnograph Data Format
CHO Animation:Master Choreography
CHORD Song Chords Format
CHP Ventura Publisher Chapter Document
CHQ Microsoft Help Combined Full-text Search
CHR Borland Language Stroke Font Format
CHRPARAMS CryENGINE Character Paramters Format
CHS Windows Chinese Noise-Word List Format
CHT ZSNES Cheat Code Format
CHTML Compact HTML Document
CHUNK001 File Splitter Split File (part 1)
CHV ChView Star Map Format
CHW Microsoft Help HTML Help General Index Format
CHX Autodesk AutoCAD Standards Check Format
CI CitectSCADA Format
CID CoDiagnostiX User Defined Implant
CIDB Apple ITunes CD Information Format
CIF Easy CD Creator CD Image Format
CII Caesar II
CIK Corel Graphics 10 Custom Dual Tone
CIL Microsoft Office Clip Gallery Download Package
CIM CimPack Design Drawing
CIMG CImg Image Format
CIN Kodak Cineon Image Format
CIN96LM Microsoft Cinemania
CIN96UPD Microsoft Cinemania Format
CINE Vision Research Phantom Cine Camera Video Format
CINEMA4D Cinema 4D For Amiga
CIO SWAT Master Watershed
CIP CryptoBuddy Encrypted Format
CIPO Cartesian Products Compressed Internet Document
CIR Supermax ECAD Command Save
CIRC Logisim Circuit
CIRCUIT KTechlab Circuit Design Format
CIS CheckInbox
CISO Wii Compressed Game Image
CIT Intergraph Scanned Image
CIV Empire Earth Custom Civilization Information
CIV5MAP Civilization 5 Map
CIV5SAVE Civilization 5 Saved Game Format
CIW Web Of Science Export
CIX Rational XDE
CJSTYLES Skin Builder Project
CK1 Commander Keen 1 Game Data
CK2 Commander Keen 2 Game Data
CK3 Commander Keen 3 Game Data
CK4 Commander Keen 4 Game Data
CK5 Commander Keen 5 Game Data
CK6 Commander Keen 6 Game Data
CKA Comfort Keys Database
CKB Cricket Audio Sound Bank Format
CKBX Cricket Audio XML Bank Description Format
CKD CADKEY Design Format
CKF Casio Keyboard Audio Format
CKP Ingres Database Checkpoint Data
CKS Microsoft Windows CE Image Info
CKT B2 Spice Circuit Design Format
CKZ QuickSFV File Verification Database
CL IconUtils Mouse Cursor Library Format
CL2 HY-TEK Meet Results Format
CL2ARC Comic Life 2 Document Archive Format
CL2DOC Comic Life 2 Document Format
CL2LYT Comic Life 2 Layout Format
CL2TPL Comic Life 2 Template Format
CL3 Easy CD Creator CD Layout
CL4 Easy CD Creator CD Layout Format
CL5 Easy CD Creator Saved Project Format
CLA Clarion For DOS Source Code
CLAF Claris Font
CLAM Adobe InDesign Dictionary
CLARIFY Blue Mango Clarify Document Format
CLAS Java Class
CLASS Java Bytecode Class Format
CLASSDIAGRAM Microsoft Visual Studio Class Diagram
CLASSLIST SMART Notebook Class List Format
CLASSPATH Eclipse IDE JAVA Project Related
CLB Super NoteTab ClipBook Template Format
CLBX MP3 Automagic CD Cover Creator Label
CLC Microsoft Schedule+ 7 Habits Mission Statement
CLD Canon CD-Label Print Label Layout Format
CLDCVT CD-LabelPrint Converted Data
CLDLYR TerraGen Cloud Layer
CLE Icon Lock-iT Locked File Indicator
CLEO Grand Theft Auto Vice City Mod Format
CLF ListPro
CLG QIP List Of Ignored Contacts Format
CLGX Collage Maker Collage
CLI Client Management System Customer
CLIPPING Apple Mac OS X Finder
CLIPS Coda For Mac Clips Format
CLIX CLIX Command Format
CLJ Clojure Source Code
CLK CorelDRAW Corel R.A.V.E. Animation Format
CLKK Clicker Keyboard Format
CLKT Clicker Template Format
CLKW Clicker Word Bank Format
CLKX Clicker Grid Set Format
CLL Crick Software Clicker
CLM Micrografx Picture Publisher Macro Format
CLN Microsoft Windows 3.x Configuration Backup
CLO Cloe Ray-Tracer Image
CLOE Cloe Ray-Tracer Image
CLOUD GOM Atos Scanner
CLP Microsoft Windows Clipboard Format
CLPI Blu-Ray Clip AV Stream Format
CLPPRJ CodeLobster PHP Edition Project
CLR Adobe Flash Color Table Format
CLR0 Nintendo Wii Color Swapping Animation
CLS JavaScript Class Definition Format
CLT VisualBoyAdvance Cheat List Format
CLU Broken Sword 2 Dialogue
CLV QIP Visible List
CLW Microsoft Visual C++ MFC Class Wizard Information Format
CLX Adobe Standard Dictionary Format
CLY CorelDRAW Custom Layout
CLZ Tomb Raider: The Angel Of Darkness Game
CM Grand Theft Auto CLEO Custom Mission Format
CM10 CaseMap Case Format
CM2 Poser Camera Set Format
CM3 CaseMap Data
CM4 ClipMate Data
CM5 LexisNexis Case Analysis
CM8 CaseMap Case
CMA Applix TM1 Database Format
CMAKE CMake Module
CMAP CmapTools Concept Map Format
CMB Xtree For Windows Button Bar
CMBL Logger Pro Data Format
CMC Comic Collector Collection Data
CMD Microsoft Windows Command Script Format
CMDB ANSYS CFX Mesh Database
CMDF CrystalMaker Data
CMDT Claris Dictionary
CME Crazy Machines Level Format
CMF Creative Labs FM-synthesis Music Format
CMG ChessMaster Saved Game
CMI The Dig Bundle
CML Chemical Markup Language Document Format
CMM Corel Multimedia Manager Album Format
CMMCD Camtasia Studio MenuMaker Project
CMMP Camtasia MenuMaker Project
CMMTHEME CleanMyMac Theme Format
CMMTPL Camtasia MenuMaker Template
CMN Systems Management Server (SMS) Update
CMO Spanish Whiz Sound
CMOD Celestia Model Format
CMP PKWare Compression Library Archive Format
CMPROJ Camtasia For Mac Project Format
CMP_XML Solid Edge XML Design
CMR Coach Saved Results
CMRBK CaseMap ReportBook Definition
CMREC Camtasia For Mac Record Format
CMS CaseMap Case Script Format
CMT Chinon ES-1000 Digital Camera Image Format
CMTX E-Sword Commentary
CMU CMU Window Manager Bitmap Image
CMV CorelDRAW CorelMove Animation
CMW Microsoft Office Custom Maintenance Wizard Data
CMX Corel Presentation Exchange Format
CMY CorelDraw Custom
CMZ Poser Compressed Camera Set Format
CN CNwin/MLwin Account
CN1 CNR Modem Initialization Data Format
CNA Catena Project Format
CNB Pegasus Mail Noticeboard Mail Stored Message
CNC CNC Machine Tool Path Format
CNC3CAMPAIGN Command And Conquer 3 Campaign Save Game
CND Melco Condensed Embroidery Format
CNDX Avery DesignPro For Mac Label Format
CNF Network Configuration Format
CNG CryptoNG Encrypted Format
CNK Microsoft Dynamics GP Chunk
CNM NoteMap Outline Format
CNN ADO-network Connection Configuration
CNO INet-Server Error Description
CNQ WebShop Platinum Project
CNR Pegasus Mail Mail Message Stored In Systemwide Folder
CNS Windows 2000 Client Connection Manager Export Format
CNT Help Contents Format
CNTK Microsoft Outlook Express Contact
CNTL GoCart Control
CNV Canvas Drawing Format
CNX Pegasus Mail
CO Cobalt 3D
COA Caligari TrueSpace 3D Object
COB COBOL Programming Language Source Format
COC Bibexcel
COD Blackberry Compiled Java Code
CODAPLUGIN Coda For Mac Plugin Format
CODASITE Coda For Mac Web Project Format
COE Xilinx BRAM Initialization
COF AutoDesk Data Format
COFFEE CoffeeScript Script Format
COK INet-Server Error Report
COL Autodesk Colour Palette
COLLECTION Adobe Bridge Collection Format
COLLISIONMESH Battlefield Collision Mesh
COLLOQUYTRANSCRIPT Colloquy Chat Transcript
COLOR Amaya Config
COLORPICKER Apple Mac OS X Color Picker Component
COLORS SAM Makelogo Color
COLOURSCHEME J&ASoft Speedy Browser Color Scheme Settings
COLR Kaleidoscope Scheme
COLZ Adobe Collage Moodboard Format
COM Command Executable Format
COMFYCAKESSAVE-MS Comfy Cakes Saved Game Format
COMICDOC Comic Life Document Format
COMMAND Apple Mac OS X Terminal Format
COMMON Unix Script
COMP CodeWarrior Compiler
COMPARISON Merge Comparison Report
COMPLETE SendSafe Deciphered E-message
COMPO DAZ 3D Carrara Pro 7 Or 8 Temporary
COMPONENT Mac OS X System Component
COMPONENTDIAGRAM Microsoft Visual Studio Component Diagram
COMPOSITEFONT Composite Font Format
COMPOSITIONMODEL Invantive Composition Data Model
COMPRESS Microsoft Compress
COMPRESSED WordCompress Compacted Web Format
CON Corel WordPerfect Concordance Format
CONF Configuration Information Format
CONFIG Configuration Format
CONFIGPROFILE Apple Configuration Profile
CONFLUENCE Eclipse Mylyn WikiText Confluence
CONFORM Conformalizer Change List Format
CONSOLE Widows NT Console
CONT Panasonic Camcorder Extra
CONTACT Microsoft Windows Contact Format
CONTENTPROJ XNA Game Studio Game Content Project
CONTOUR Contour Screenplay Format
CONTROLS OpenBVE Keyboard Settings Format
CONVERTERX SiMX TextConverter Project
COO AutoCAD Bounding Coordinates Cookie
COOK Netscape For Mac Cookie
COOL QB - Text Analyzer Vocabulary List
COORDS Ribbons Coords
COP Sam Coupé Sound
COPRESET Capture One Preset Format
COPY Sony Ericsson Protected Content Format
COR CorelDRAW Format
COS Creatures Source Code Format
COS2 Pinnacle Studio Cache Format
COSTYLE Capture One Style Format
COUNTER Netobjects Fusion Components Bbscomp Message
COV Microsoft Cover Page Editor Fax Cover Page Format
COVERAGE Microsoft Visual Studio Code Coverage
COVERAGEXML Microsoft Visual Studio Code Coverage
COW Thief Game
COX Click & Create Extension
CP Xcode C++ Source Code Format
CP1 CARE-S InfoWorks Phosphorus Detail
CP2 ChessBase Theme Classification
CP3 Grand Prix 3 Cockpit Shape Format
CP8 CP8 256 Gray Scale Image
CP9 ChoicePoint Encrypted Format
CP? LoseThos C+ Source
CPA Adobe Premiere Conformed Audio Format
CPB Comicino Studio Project Format
CPBITMAP Apple IPhone Bitmap Wallpaper Format
CPC Cartesian Perceptual Compression Compressed Image
CPCT Compact Pro Archive
CPD CorelDRAW Corel PrintOffice Drawing Format
CPDT Adobe Captivate Design Template
CPE Win95 Cover Page Editor Fax Cover Sheet Format
CPF Cognos Project Format
CPG Manga Studio Drawing
CPGZ Compressed UNIX CPIO Archive
CPH Corel Print House Printing Project Format
CPI AVCHD Clip Information Format
CPIO Unix CPIO Archive Format
CPK DTM Test Log Format
CPL Microsoft Windows Control Panel Format
CPMZ Miradi Project Format
CPN Age Of Empires Campaign Format
CPO Corel Print House Data
CPP C++ Main Source Code File Format
CPQ Compaq OEM Disc Configuration Format
CPR Cubase Project Format
CPRR Adobe Captivate XML Script
CPS Corel Photo House Image Format
CPT Corel PHOTO-PAINT Bitmap Format
CPT2 M-Tron Pro Library
CPTL Adobe Captivate Project Template Format
CPTM Adobe Captivate Theme
CPTX Adobe Captivate Project Format
CPU SiSoftware Sandra
CPX Oracle Application Development Framework ADF Binding Context Format
CPY ECopy Desktop Scanned Document Format
CPZ LoseThos C+ Source
CQL XDCC Catcher Queue List
CQT MAIL.DAT Container Quantity Data
CR CRiSP Source Code
CR1 LoggerNet CRBasic Source
CR2 Canon Digital Camera RAW Image Format Version 2.0
CR5 Survey Pro Coordinate
CRAFT KSP Spacecraft Format
CRASH Apple Mac OS X Console Report Format
CRASHED AbiWord Crash-saved Document Format
CRB BigOven Recipe Database
CRC Total Commander CRC Format
CRD Microsoft Windows Cardfile Database Format
CRDOWNLOAD Google Chrome Incomplete Download Format
CRDS Microsoft Windows CardSpace Backup Format
CREC Microsoft Lync 2010 Recording
CREOLE Creole Source
CREV Adobe Captivate Review Format
CRF Enhanced Dark Engine Game Archive Format
CRG Calamus Picture Image
CRH EN-CC Truss Geometry
CRI Crystal Reports
CRL Certificate Revocation List
CRMLOG Microsoft Windows CRM Log
CRP CorelDRAW Corel Presents Run-time Presentation
CRS Corel WordPerfect Conversion Resource Format
CRS3 OmniPage Lite
CRT Internet Security Certificate
CRTR MultiAd Creator Pro Document Format
CRTX Microsoft Office 2007 Chart Template Format
CRV CorelDRAW Corel PHOTO-PAINT 10 Custom Gradients Format
CRW Canon Digital Camera RAW Image Format
CRWL Microsoft Windows Crawl Format
CRX Google Chrome Extension Installer File Format
CRY CryENGINE Map Format
CRYPT WhatsApp Messenger Encrypted Message Database Backup
CRYPT5 WhatsApp Messenger Encrypted Message Database Backup
CRYPT6 WhatsApp Messenger Encrypted Message Database Backup
CRYPT7 WhatsApp Messenger Encrypted Message Database Backup
CRYPTED Ashampoo WinOptimizer Encrypted Format
CRYPTOMITE CryptoMite Encrypted Archive
CRYPTRA Cryptra Encrypted Format
CRYSISJMSF Crysis Saved Game Format
CRYSISPSF Crysis Warhead Saved Game Position Format
CRZ Compressed Poser Character Rigging Format
CS Microsoft Visual Studio Visual C#.NET Source Format
CS1 Sinar CaptureShop
CS2 CyberStep2
CS4 Sinar CaptureShop 4-shot Image
CS8 Unix Graphics Format
CSA Agilent PNA Code Calset Format
CSAC Web Research Collection Optimization Temporary
CSAPLAN SPSS Analysis Plan Format
CSATTR Microsoft Visual Studio Attractor
CSC 18 Wheels Of Steel: Pedal To The Metal Game
CSCPKT Sample Packet
CSD Compact Shared Document
CSDPROJ C# Device Project
CSE Web Research Document Package
CSF Adobe Photoshop Color Settings Format
CSGRAD Microsoft Visual Studio Gradients
CSH Adobe Photoshop Shapes Format
CSI ContentServ CS EMMS Suite Include Format
CSJ RIM CSJ Registration
CSK Claris Works
CSKIN CD Art Display Skin Format
CSL CineStyle Color Settings Format
CSM 3ds Max Character Studio Maker Format
CSML Chemical Style Markup Language
CSN Adobe Dreamweaver Snippet Format
CSO CISO Compressed ISO Format
CSOM Eudora For Mac
CSP CorelDRAW Service Bureau Profiler Format
CSPLAN SPSS Sampling Plan Format
CSPROJ Microsoft Visual Studio Visual C# Project Format
CSQ Microsoft FoxPro Queries
CSR Certificate Signing Request Format
CSS Cascading Style Sheets Format
CSS1 Cascading Style Sheet
CSSTORE Apple Mac OS X Cache
CST Commonspace Document Format
CSV Comma Separated Value Format
CSVIEW Microsoft Visual Studio Views
CSW Corel WordPerfect Setup Information
CSX Microsoft Visual C# Primary Script Format
CSY Canvas Symbol Library Format
CSZ The Core Media Player Skin
CT IRIS CT Image Format
CT0 Tajima TBF Condition
CT1 SMS Proposed Site Control
CT7 CaseMap Case Analysis Template
CT8 CaseMap Case Template
CTA ColorTouch Assistant Settings
CTB AutoCAD Colour-dependent Plot Style Table Format
CTBODYFITTING CrazyTalk Animator Format
CTC SeeYou Flight Data
CTD Tomahawk Gold Compressed Tomahawk Document
CTE Classical Text Editor Document
CTF AVG Antivirus Update Control Format
CTFSYS OS X Mach Kernel System
CTG BMC Software PATROL Format
CTI Template Info
CTIT RAR Archive
CTK TeKton3D Project
CTL Visual Basic Control File (Active X Control File)
CTM Crazy Talk Face Model Format
CTMDPI MRMC Markov Reward Model Checker Matrix
CTN Cadterns Sloper Format
CTO Microsoft Visual Studio Binary Command Table Output
CTP CakePHP Template Format
CTPROJECT CrazyTalk Animator Project
CTR BrainVoyager QX Contrast
CTS CrazyTalk Audio Format
CTSYM Microsoft Visual Studio Command Table Output
CTT Windows Live Messenger Contact List Format
CTV Citavi Project Format
CTV3 Citavi 3 Project Format
CTX Microsoft Windows Terminal Server INI Backup Format
CTXT BlueJ Information Format
CTY SimCity City Format
CTZ Custody Toolbox Compressed Backup
CU CUDA Source Code Format
CU1 Photoline 4 Curve
CU3 Photoline Curves Clut
CU? Photoline Clut
CUB Windows Installer Validation Module Format
CUBE Antaeus
CUE Cue Sheet Description Format
CUF Turbo C Utilities Form Definition
CUI AutoCAD Customization Format
CUIX Autodesk AutoCAD Custom User Interface Format
CUL IconForge ImageForge Cursor Library
CUP SeeYou Waypoint
CUR Windows Cursor Format
CURRENT WhatsApp Messenger Encrypted Message Database
CURSEMOD Curse Client Mod
CURSOR Sun Cursor
CURSORFX CursorFX Cursor Theme Format
CURXPTHEME CursorFX Theme Format
CUS AutoCAD Custom Dictionary Format
CUST QuarkXPress Mac File Type
CUSTOMDESTINATIONS-MS Microsoft Windows 7 Jump List
CUT Dr. Halo Bitmap Format
CUV Origin Sample Curve
CU_ Microsoft Windows Winhelp Compressed
CV Microsoft CodeView Information Screen
CV5 Canvas 5 Drawing Format
CVA HP Compaq Diagnostics Format
CVC CVideo Format
CVD Clam AntiVirus Database Format
CVF CPU-Z Validation Format
CVG Calamus Vector Image File Format
CVI CassiniVision Map Image Format
CVM Odin Sphere
CVN Sonic CineVision Encoding Session Format
CVP Portrait Image Format
CVR Microsoft Office Crash Report Format
CVS CVS And VMS Sound Files (continous Variable Slope)
CVSIGNORE Eclipse CVS Settings
CVSRC TortoiseCVS CVS Command
CVT Canvas External Tool Format
CVW CaseView Document Format
CVX Canvas Drawing Format
CVZ Card Vault Inventory
CW CardWorks Template Format
CW3 Claris Works Document
CWB Cakewalk Bundle
CWC CADfix Wizard Configuration
CWDB ClarisWorks Database
CWF CorelDRAW Workspace Format
CWGR ClarisWorks Drawing
CWIE CodeWarrior
CWK ClarisWorks Document Format
CWKS ClarisWorks
CWL ClarisWorks Library
CWLINK CodeWarrior
CWM WebSphere Map Designer Express Map Definition
CWMS CompeGPS Land Remote Map
CWP Cakewalk Sonar Audio Project Format
CWPT ClarisWorks Painting Drawing
CWR Crystal Reports Report
CWS ClarisWorks Template Format
CWSS ClarisWorks Spreadsheet
CWT ClarisWorks Texture Format
CWW Crossword Weaver Format
CWWP ClarisWorks Document
CWX Sonar Track Template
CWZ Circuit Wizard Format
CW_ CorelDRAW Workspace
CX CodeMapper Script
CX3 CMS Video Format
CXA ANSYS Fluent Animation Metadata
CXARCHIVE CrossOver Bottle
CXB Custody X Change Data
CXD SimplePCI Graphics Data Format
CXE Common XML Envelope
CXF Google Picasa Collage Format
CXL Business Integrator Extract Schema
CXML Microsoft Silverlight Server Side Data
CXP Omron CX Programmer Format
CXQ SillyDl.CXQ Downloading Trojan
CXR CX-Programmer Settings
CXT Adobe Director Protected Cast Format
CXV Custody X Change Data
CXX C++ Main Source Code File Format
CYA Cyana Macro
CYBERDUCKLICENSE Cyberduck For Mac OS License Format
CYBERDUCKPROFILE Cyberduck Connection Profile
CYI Clustify Input Format
CYL Ribbons Cylinder
CYO Clustify Output Format
CYP Home Designer Pro Project Format
CYR Crysis Level
CYS Clustify Summary Statistics Format
CYW Rbot.CYW Worm Format
CZ Czech Language Translation
CZD The Crash Zone Drawing Format
CZI Carl Zeiss Image Data Format
CZIP ZG Encrypted Zip Archive
CZN RMCProfile Atom List
CZP ClozePro Archive Format
C_ Microsoft Winhelp Compressed
C__ C++ Source Code